Finally, a scientifically proven approach to meeting your goals.

Are you are having a hard time reaching your goals?

Are you stuck? Feeling unmotivated and unsure?

One on one coaching brings about change which tends to not happen when one is on their own to solve their problems and "coach themselves" thru challenges.  Lynn helps people identify their most pressing goals and then leads them thru a systematic program that will create an action plan that will lead to success.

Lynn Long is a certified Life Coach. Lynn completed Coach Training Alliances certification in 2016 and specializes in mindfulness coaching. This style of coaching combines nueroscience with the ancient wisdom traditions of the East. Understanding the mind and using tools that compliment the neuroscience of change makes goal setting more accessible and inevitably, remarkably successful. Finally a scientifically proven approach to meeting your goals.

How do you hold yourself accountable for your own happiness?  

If we are honest & fair with ourselves we would find that we don't push ourselves quite as hard as we do when we are accountable to another.   If you are like millions of people that struggle with accomplishing a goal or sticking with a resolution or plan, book a session to hear how you can learn to identify your goals and

 Do you beat yourself up for not being where "you think you should be", if you have a hard time knowing what the next right thing to do is, then take the first step and sign up for your free consultation.